Weekend (or Thursday) links, Oct. 4
Artichokes, Marché Jean-Talon, Montreal.
It’s getting a bit more difficult for me to keep up with blogs while we’re traveling, but here are some long-overdue links to keep your own reading lists full.
First, I’ve started contributing pieces to two of my favorite online publications: The Farmer General, and The Billfold. Woo hoo! You can find my first two Farmer General pieces here and here, and my first Billfold piece here. I’m excited for more to come (as soon as I can find time to write them … ).
As corn prices rise (and oh boy, do they ever, thanks to this massive drought most of the country is currently still experiencing), so do feed prices. But why don’t farmers just feed their animals old restaurant scraps and such?
I really missed not seeing this hilariously amazing part of the LA County Fair this year (though the MN State Fair still dominates, on all other scales).
The term “culinary soldiers” made me snort, more than a little, but it’s still interesting how chefs can play a role in American diplomacy.
To-do list upon returning to real life, after this year: 1. Find a job as a tech company chef.
Ohhhhhh, climate change. You better watch yourself. Do not mess with me, and do not mess with my Oregon pinot.
Wild rice! I eat lots of this stuff (1, 2, etc.), and always (ALWAYS) from MN. (Also: Wild rice krispy bars. WILD RICE KRISPY BARS. Mind is blown.)
Photographs of literature’s famous meals.
Guess who’s definitely going to eat this stuff in a few months? Me, in Argentina!
We’ve been eating lots of fried eggs on this trip, and I can’t wait to try them with the addition of sizzling vinegar.
‘Tis apple cider season. Reduce, reduce, reduce! And then use in savory things.
Last, but definitely not least: looking for a new apple pie recipe? Maybe you should put some pork in it. (WHOA.)

Fugazzeta is the best!!! Gracias for the link!
Oh my goodness. You write for The Billfold? That has to be one of my favorite blogs of all time. I get a squee inside thinking of sitting down with Mike Dang and Logan Sachon. Congrats!
Me too! I’ve only written the one thus far, but hopefully more soon …