Weekend links, March 5
Friday afternoon at The Getty. LA is kind of pretty sometimes, I admit.
All I want lately is roasted vegetables. (And cake, and bourbon. But let’s focus on the roasted veggies …) Here are some good ideas for changing up the roasted veggie game.
Permaculture urban food forest. Four things I love, even better together. Way to go, Seattle.
Speaking of cake and bourbon, here’s a cake that should just be called Bowen Temptation Cake.
A social history of white bread, written by our cousin’s professor at Whitman. (Speaking of which – Professor of Food Politics? Almost makes me want to get a PhD. Almost …)
It’s a super busy week ahead, including two little catering jobs, three teaching nights, and a daylong workshop on Saturday. And more posts to write! Lots of fun stuff coming up, including a lovely pink cake, some sweet-tart little citrus-coconut tartlets, and a recap of the fantastic Medieval desserts (yes, for real) workshop we did at The Getty on Friday. Stay tuned!