Perfecting Gram’s chocolate chip cookies – success!
After years of trying to perfectly recreate my grandmother’s chocolate chip cookie recipe – tweaking ingredient quantities and baking method and everything else under the sun – I FINALLY DID IT.
Jul 7
I’ve made a decent number of pies in my life – some better than others – but until a year or so ago, I never paid that much attention to the crust or the technique behind it. See, I’m not so picky about pie crust. It’s a flaky, light and crispy crust: “It’s so flaky and crispy! I love it!” It’s a chewier, doughier, denser crust: “It’s so chewy and dense! I love it!” I’ve generally made whatever crust recipe comes along with the pie recipe I want to make, and while I’ve sometimes cursed the dough for not rolling out easily or for completely falling apart when confronted with baked filling, I’ve left it up to fate.
Sometimes I go a bit overboard with fruit. Summer comes and suddenly there are peaches and apricots and cherries and everything all over the place, and I just can’t help myself. I buy boatloads, and then we end up needing to eat eight pieces a day just to make it through.
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