Homemade Toby’s tofu paté
I’ve been nervous about this one for a while. I knew that someday I’d have this recipe to share with you, but I haven’t been sure how best to break the news. Tofu is kind of a touchy subject to broach, and with a name like “tofu paté” I can guarantee I’ve already turned away a good number of people. But as someone recently separated from my regular Toby’s source, I know this information might be valuable to a good number of people in need and I’m here to help.
Because there are many reasons people might be reading this post, I’ll give you some options:
- If the word “Toby’s” really gets you going, read number 1.
- If you don’t know about Toby’s but are potentially open to things made with tofu and the words “nutritional yeast” don’t make you go “what now?” read number 2.
- If you don’t know about Toby’s and are really, really not into the idea of tofu … I apologize. Go here to distract yourself. Read more