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Posts tagged ‘vodka’

Sprinkles and whole milk make almost everything better

You can learn a lot about yourself through spending time in the kitchen.

Are you a patient person? Are you a detail-oriented person? How do you like to learn? Do you like detailed directions, or a basic idea to work with? Are you willing to put hours of time into something that may not work in the end? How well can you deal with failure? When you bake a cake that immediately crumbles upon taking it out of the pan and a frosting that gloops like thin glue, are you a person who throws it away and instead finishes that two-week-old In-and-Out strawberry shake in your freezer, or do you stick with it and eat it anyway?  Maybe with some sprinkles?  And a White Russian?


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Summer cocktails: Blackberry fizz

I admit it. The number of recent cocktail posts might be a little over the top.


But let’s be honest – that’s kind of what summer is all about, right? Everything is fresh and I approach the kitchen with a sense of relaxation that finds me throwing all kinds of things into a cocktail shaker with a bit of ice, sitting in the backyard in my favorite lawn chair with only the beginning glimmer of an idea of what to make for dinner. Read more

15 Go-To Cocktails: Gin or vodka Tonic


It feels a little funny to put a cocktail recipe so simple on the site, but in building a list of go-to cocktails there’s no way I could skip a gin or vodka and tonic.

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